Here at Casa Nora, we had a spectacular New Year's Eve, complete with a great bbq dinner, good conversation, and fireworks on the beach - with all of our fun and interesting guests.
We had guests from Finland, from the UK, from France, and two groups of houseguests from Germany - who no longer reside there. As Al said - it was like having dinner at the UN.

Please meet Simo and Sini. He's an engineer, and she's a police officer - and they both are major windsurfers and lovers of heavy metal music!

And they are also newlyweds! Aaaaaaawwwww....
Laetitia and Bertrand are from France, and dropped over for a few days to celebrate New Year's.
Lea and Simon are from Germany, currently residing in Dallas, Texas. And both are alot of fun! Thanks for the ring, Lea - I love it!
Everyone decided to pitch in to help prepare our New Year's Eve feast. In this photo, Simon and Simo are preparing their appetizers.
Michael, Nora, Lea and Simon
We all hung out a bit, waiting for the food.....................
Simon relaxing after the meal.
The evening was capped off with champagne and fireworks on the beach! Happy '09 everyone!
One fine sunny day, Adrian decides that on this day he will try to kite with the Wheels of Doom. Simo and Sini, Alison, Al and I load up the truck with the Wheels of Doom, with Adrian's kite and head off searching for the perfect salt flat. It really seemed like a terrific idea, until we did find the perfect salina, and Adrian strapped himself into the Wheels of Doom, and it really seemed like he was going to do it. Simo, his video camera at the ready, was smiling nervously at me. While Al was helping Adrian get ready, Simo asked how close the nearest hospital was. That got me thinking, and I had a quiet discussion with Al. Al asked Adrian if he had any medical insurance or even life insurance, but Adrian just laughed......!!!! And Alison seemed completely unperturbed by the whole thing, while she pumped up Adrian's kite, and prepared his kite lines.
After several moments of quiet introspection, checking wind speed and direction, Adrian declares that 'We are a GO!' And for better or worse, Al and I cheer him on.
And he's off! Looking a little wobbly, and heading directly towards a cactus patch. Yikes!
Oh crapola.......
Simo records Adrian's third pass with his video camera. Simo will create a YouTube video set to the music of perrenial heavy metal favourite, AC/DC's 'Hells Bells.'
It may appear that Adrian's pit crew is looking perplexed or bewildered, or both, but that is not the case. He is holding onto his cap, as the wind picked up considerably. Excellent!
Perfect form! Nice speed! Well done, Adrian!
After several passes, Adrian is done. After removing the Wheels Of Doom.........
Adrian, relaxing in the pool, during a well deserved rest.
We would like to thank and commend Adrian's sponsor, Ozone, for their righteous decision to sponsor this crazy dude! One small suggestion for future sponsorship contracts - perhaps include some health insurance. And maybe throw in a little something for the spectators as well.......!
Adrian - you rock!
1 comment:
Great shots!
We've put together a fun video of our own on kite surfing and kite buggying on Conrad Beach in Nova Scotia. Thought it might do a good job of animating the kite buggy experience for anyone checking out your site.
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