Hi there everyone!
Hola to all of our former houseguests, mountain bikers, scooter rental folks, yoga enthusiasts, windsurfers and kiters, and friends all around the world.
Welcome/Bienvenidos to our new blog, where you will find all of the latest news and info from our beach, as well as photos of all of the exciting and fun goings-on at Casa Nora and in El Yaque!
First - a note of thanks to our new WebMaster and computer genius, recent house-guest and windsurfing enthusiast -
all the way from Sweden - Sone Alvelund! (See photo.) In less than one hour, Sone solved all of our web-related issues, and suggested that instead of trying to edit our nowindnocry.com website (and thereby having to learn html and Java Script codes - yuck!), we should just create a blog. So, here we are. Thanks Sone! In fact, he has made this blog interactive, so if anyone wants to leave a comment, please do so. We would love to hear from you guys!
The blog
Since the inception of Casa Nora and No Wind No Cry, I have amassed quite a collection of stories and photos, which I want to post on this blog. So, I am going to start at the beginning, some years ago, and end up posting the most current news, info and photos of this 2007/2008 season. While I will post the blogs chronologically, I will address specific topics, like mountain biking, or upgrades to Casa Nora, or a World Tour Freestyle competition in El Yaque, or a bbq here - well, you get the picture.
Speaking of pictures - through the next series of photos, I'd like to introduce you all to some people that I think you should know.
If you guys don't know who this is - well, then I don't know what to say..... :( This is Gollito, a native of El Yaque, and last year's Freestyle Champion. He recently won first place in the Freestyle competition held here in El Yaque.
This guy is so good, he defies description. And, he's a very nice guy to boot.
This is Cheo. Also a native of El Yaque, and last year's Number Two in the world for Freestyle. During the competition here, he placed second.....frankly, as he should, because he is also spectacular to watch. This guy is not only a terrific windsurfer, but he is also a real estate developer. Not bad for a kid barely in his twenties.
And this is Ricardo Campello - former three time World Champion for Freestyle. Also a resident of El Yaque. If you guys don't know who Ricardo is, well, then I really can't help you, or you are not really all that into windsurfing...... Ricardo placed fourth in our competition, behind Andre, from Germany.
Well, this is a photo of Al and Nora. We are also residents of El Yaque, and not in any way ranked in any windsurf competition or rating system. But, we do love to windsurf, and Lord knows, we do try! We also are the proprietors of Casa Nora, and Big Al does the mountain bike tours, and I offer the yoga classes in the mornings.
And, these are my best friends, Maryluz and Kathy. Some of you may know Maryluz as the best Spanish teacher here in El Yaque. And some of you may know Kathy (and her husband Tom) as the owners and operators of the Vela windsurf centre.
And here are some of my favourite people having a great time. Just so you all know, Maryluz is in almost all of the photos that I have - she's like a camera magnet. Among other things, Mary likes to dance, sing, read and write poetry, and she's an accomplished cook. And Kath is my daily yoga partner, who also is a great cook.
Y'see - here is Mary again, dancing with my friend Johnny T, from Canada. John and his girl, Diane visited us here in February for a week. Too much fun!
The wind has picked up, and even though I still have alot to post, I am going windsurfing! Ciao for now!
P.S. The Wind Dog says: Better, when wet.......
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