We have so many good friends visiting us at the moment, that Al and I decided to throw a pool party for our visitors, and for our friends in the village.

Far left - Francisco (our houseguest from Spain) is clearly engaged in an intellectual conversation with Peter (Pedro) from Canada. Francisco is working on a new technology that very well may revolutionize mobile phone use. Francisco - after you've made your billions, don't forget my 10% introduction fee to Pedro.........!

Mary and I are giving Pedro a traditional island greeting for those who have travelled from cold, and far off lands.
Pedro and Al seem to be greeting Elita in the same manner. However, she lives here on the island........ hhhhhhmmmmmmm
This is Stefan, our neighbour, who frankly has the best collection of tropical shirts that I have ever seen!
Mary and Emile (our friend and neighbour) appear to be practising for the .......... well ........ something............
This is our Norwegian friend John, a.k.a. Superman, demonstrating his super powers.

Tom (our houseguest from Belgium) and Big Al are bonding.
Emile and Stefan are engaged in very serious conversation, probably about who has the snappiest wardrobe.
Superman and his girl, Anne, from Norway.
Contrary to popular opinion, these Norwegians sure do have rythm. The Latinas have been put on notice.
Mary and I - two coconut heads!

Al and Mary - two more coconut heads!
Mary and Pedro. I guess at this point, Mary took control of the camera.
Some of the party guests.
Some of the female party guests.
John and Anne snogging - aawwww!
Belgian Tom telling us about his street cred......and we are spellbound.
Faye, our neigbour, who just returned from a visit to the USA. Welcome back Faye!
Thomas Layton Mastbaum (owner of Vela), Mary (of course), Martin (owner of Casa Viva and Sharks), and Kathy (my pal and yoga partner, and owner of Vela, and wife of Thomas Layton).

Our Swedish friend Pele discussing life in Moscow with Pedro. Pele manages the most successful and longest running bar/nightclub in that fair city.